When in Singapore, should you commit to a regular savings plan?


    Financial advisors typically recommend that people in Singapore save 10-20% of their income each month, but there are a few other factors to consider before making this decision. This article will look at when the best time is to commit to a regular savings plan to achieve your financial goals. We will also discuss some of the benefits of saving regularly, as well as offer some tips on how you can get started. So, if you’re considering starting a savings plan in Singapore, read on.

    What is a regular saving plan?

    A regular saving plan is a way of setting aside money regularly, usually monthly or annually. This money can be used to build up your emergency fund, save for retirement, or even buy something you want. The key is to make regular deposits into the account and leave the money there, so it has time to grow.

    When should you commit to a regular savings plan?

    The best time to commit to a regular savings plan depends on several factors, such as your income level, age and financial goals. Generally speaking, the earlier you start saving regularly, the more likely you will reach your future goals. For example, if you’re in your twenties or thirties and have a steady income, now would be the perfect time to begin saving for retirement. On the other hand, if you are starting late and have limited funds, it may be better to focus on building up an emergency fund first.

    What are the benefits of a regular savings plan?

    A regular savings plan can provide numerous advantages, such as knowing that you will have enough money saved in emergencies or when you retire. It can also help reduce stress by providing a source of consistent income each month. Additionally, with interest rates usually higher on long-term deposits than short-term ones, it is possible to earn more money over time by committing to a regular savings plan.

    Another benefit of a regular savings plan is saving up for specific items or events. For example, if you want to buy a car in the future, you can set aside money each month until it has accumulated enough to make the purchase.

    Finally, if you’re saving for retirement, a regular savings plan can be a great way to ensure you have enough money when the time comes.

    How do I get started?

    The first step towards setting up a regular savings plan is determining your financial goals and how much money you need to save each month to reach them. Once that’s done, open an account with a reliable institution such as a bank or credit union and start transferring funds into it regularly.

    Keep track of your progress and adjust your contributions to stay on track with your goals. Additionally, it can be helpful to set up automatic transfers so that you remember to make deposits each month.

    Finally, remember that saving regularly is a great way to achieve your financial goals in Singapore. The earlier you start and the more disciplined you are with your savings plan, the better off you will be. So, if you’re looking for a way to secure your financial future, consider setting up a regular savings plan today.

    Risks associated with a regular saving plan

    One of the risks associated with a regular savings plan is that, if you are not careful, you could spend more than you can afford. It could happen if you find yourself in an emergency and need to dip into your savings or if unexpected expenses arise and you have to use your money to pay them off.

    Another risk is that inflation can devalue the money saved over time, and it means that any returns on your investments may be smaller than they would initially seem due to the effects of inflation. It’s essential to keep this in mind when planning for your financial future.

    Finally, interest rates may change over time and affect the return on your investments. As such, it’s crucial to monitor the interest rates periodically and adjust your savings plan accordingly.

    Overall, a regular savings plan can be an effective way to save for the future in Singapore as long as you are aware of its risks and take measures to protect yourself from them.


    In conclusion, having a regular savings plan is one of the best ways to prepare for your financial future in Singapore. It offers numerous benefits, such as providing peace of mind, reducing stress and allowing you to save up for specific items or events. Additionally, if you start early enough and remain disciplined with your contributions, you can ensure that you have enough money when retirement comes around.


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