8 Essential Questions To Ask During An Initial Interview


    Ready to ace that interview? Check out these 5 key questions to ask employers during an interview! 

    What are the day-to-day responsibilities of the job? One of the most essential aspects of any job is how we spend the day, this is the typical nitty-gritty of the day. 

    What are the core values of the company and what specific characteristics that you seek in potential employees to help represent those values? You will want to dig deep to find out as much as possible about the culture of the company. You will find specific insights of what is most important to the company and what values they are seeking in their employees. 

    What is your favorite aspect of working for this company? It is essential that you get a sense of what is personally pleasing to your interviewer about the company. If they are easily enthusiastic, this is a sign of a great company. If they seem to struggle, you may want to take note of that. 

    What does success look like here and how is it measured? It is essential to have a good understanding of how the company measures success. What are their key performance indicators in the specific role for which you are applying? How as well as how often are they measured. 

    Are there any opportunities for professional development? If yes, what would those opportunities look like? When you are asking this question, you are seeking out what growth potential there are as well as if the company offers a Learning and Development program. If it seems like there is a sense of stagnation, this is something to be cautious with. 

    Who will I be working with? This type of question is going to give you a sense of the dynamics of your potential coworkers. You may want to jot down their titles and names. You will want to evaluate how cross-functional the role is. 

    What is one of the more challenging aspects of the position? You want to know the good as well as the not-so-good with any position. This is going to help you understand the level of problems you will deal with on a daily basis. 

    Is there anything about my background that would not make me a good fit for this specific position? This question is going to show that you are already invested in the position and understand your prospects as a potential candidate. Additionally, it will allow you the opportunity to respond to any potential concerns.


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