Hindi is undoubtedly one of the most common languages studied in 12th grade in Indian schools. With so many students studying the same thing, it does create quite a lot of pressure to excel and score well. Whether you are a native or a non-native speaker, learning any language can be challenging. But fear not, some many tricks and tips can help you master the 12th standard Hindi syllabus, and score the best marks in boards! 

Focusing on the details 

Focusing on the details 

The syllabus as seen in the NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi Aroh is quite heavy on literature especially poems written by various poets. With so much literature, it can be difficult to keep all the facts and details straight and not mix them up. 

One of the best ways of doing so is to make sure you are completely thorough with all the chapters of the syllabus by making flashcards. Whether physical or digital, flashcards are a great and efficient way to memorise short pieces of information. You could make different sets for different chapters, and include as many details as you like, which helps in two ways:

  • Making the flashcards is practice in itself because you need to be completely thorough with the material to suitably condense it to fit a flashcard format, and not leave any important and minute details behind. 
  • Flashcards, as aforementioned, are very efficient at helping you memorize because of their ease of usage, the small amount of information presented and the concise manner it is displayed in. 

Practising composition of answers 

Writing carries the most marks for languages. Unlike the sciences or maths, you cannot get away with solving problems and providing answers with minimal words to score well. This is why knowing what and how much to write is one of the most crucial ways of scoring in language papers. Often, people discover that although they understand the poem or prose, they cannot organise and translate their thoughts accurately to write what they mean to say. This is something that can cost you a lot of points. The only way to get over this is to write more as practice. 

One of the best ways of doing so is making a list of questions chapter wise that could be asked in the exam, and then preparing answers to all these questions, and then studying from that, as it helps in the following ways:

  • It makes you more prepared to face any type of question in the exam 
  • The work that goes into phrasing and editing and perfecting your answers while revising will help you recall details more smoothly and prevent any potential writing blocks during the exam 
  • Having pre-prepared answers also helps you feel more confident about the exam, which could help prevent nervousness or stress before a big exam. 
  • These planned answers will also ensure that you remember all the important and relevant points that need to be mentioned in order to score. It can be difficult to retain and recall all these details in the stressful environment of an exam setting, so revising from these pre-prepared answers can go a long way in helping you organise your thoughts, ideas, and how you want to frame your answer. 


Often, with literature, reading the material just once is not enough to understand the whole piece. Reading it numerous times helps you become more familiar with it and if you focus hard enough, you are bound to understand something new every time you read it. This is especially important for more complex and layered literary pieces that need a lot of dissection to get to the essence of it. 

Re-reading also helps you remember lines from the poem or prose verbatim, which can help with direct references while you are composing your answers during the exam. This could fetch you some extra points instead of writing generalised information. \

Repeated revision of the material also ensures that you have totally understood the concepts and the composition, which will help you write more compelling and well-thought-out answers that are, again, likely to get you a higher score. 

Using other resources 

With languages, there are so many ways to practice and get better at it. No matter if you are a beginner or a native speaker, there are so many ways to keep your Hindi sharp and relevant. 

One of the most prominent ways to do so is to watch a lot of Hindi movies and listen to Hindi music. It is a common piece of advice to anyone learning a new language to immerse themselves in that language as much as you can. Watching movies can give you a better insight into the spoken forms of the language as well as learning sentences, words, phrases and conversation. Enabling subtitles on movies, videos and other audiovisual material can greatly improve comprehension. Songs, on the other hand, help you with pronunciation, vocabulary and even some cheesy phrases you could use in your writing! 

If anyone in your family or friends speak Hindi, encourage them to talk to you more in Hindi as well. Even though the boards solely test on written competence and comprehension, oral and listening proficiency is quite important too. The more Hindi you are exposed to, the easier facing the exam will be. Often, students can get too overwhelmed by long paragraphs in a different language on their exams. Becoming more familiar with the language can make it seem less daunting and more like a language that is worth learning. 

Using the internet to look for more detailed insights and dissections of the literary material in the syllabus can also help you compose answers with stronger and more factual points, which will definitely get you higher grades. 

In summation, there are quite a few ways to make studying for a language exam much easier. A combination of the above points will guarantee better and well-rounded performance on these daunting exams, and can actually be a very easy way to score and boost your overall grade if you study the right way. 


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